Sunday, May 31, 2009

What I am Reading Now

These are all wonderful books, especially the ones on aromatherapy and green living. Good stuff for naturally taking care of the little ones, too! Organic Body Care Recipes is where I get my recipes for personal care. Fantastic books! Check 'em out!

Quick blurb

Boy, am I going to miss the ease and smell of breastfed poop when my Chickapee starts solids. Maybe it won't be so bad.

But anyway, we had a great La Leche League meeting today. There were four pregnant women there, one even carrying triplets!! I am so proud that she is going to breastfeed her babies! We are also getting ready for World Breastfeeding Week...I wonder what other chapters are doing to celebrate.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

100% Organic Cotton Tee-shirts at Old Navy that Promote Eco-friendless!

Finally, organic cotton clothing that is AFFORDABLE! There are so many organic clothes that I want to purchase for myself and family but they are SOOO expensive, but I had luck today on a random trip to Old Navy. As I dilly-dallied through the store, I found one table full of people going through shirts, and I looked at the price advertisement of "$3", and figured out that was why there was a flock of shoppers. But then, I looked through them and TADAA! found three organic cotton tee-shirts that promote earth friendliness! Way to go, Old Navy! Kudos to you!

Whole Foods Market Podcasts! Feed Your Noodle!

I am sitting here in the wee hours of the morning with the family-my hubby, chickapee, and Teapot and Pika (my two cats) and we are bored out of our minds. Browsing the internet, I decided to see what natural food stores existed in Albuquerque, and I found out that there is a Whole Foods Market there! I am sooooo excited! I am going to explode. I was checking out their website and found their podcast section. It is absolutely fantastic! Lots of stuff on whole living, and they even have a lot of stuff about natural baby care, seasonal allergies, homeopathic medicine, and I can go on and on! Check it out if you are interested. I need to formulate a shopping list so that when I go there I won't buy up the whole store....happy learning!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Absolutely Fabulous and Fantastic product that I must obtain someday!

My friend put this in my ear and I went to Williams-Sonoma to check it out. It was an immediate "sold!" eventhough I haven't even purchased it. I'm still not quite ready to process that my chickapee will eventually have solids...Anyway, here it is, in its utter wonderfullness! It's called the Beaba Babycook. Maybe I can convince the grannies to buy it for the darling baby. Besides, they are the ones that are constantly asking me when and if i have started her on solids yet! Grrrrr!!!

Time Passes On Never Ending, Time Keeps Its Own Time...

Sometimes, and lately, I feel like there are so many things that I want to do, goals that I want to accomplish, yet there never seems to not be enough time. Maybe I overthink things too much or am trying to do too many things at once, but I am a mother and a woman thus that already makes me an expert multitasker. But still, I try to take things day by day. On my plate right now is studying for my CAPPA Certified Lactation Educator certification, becoming an independent consultant for Go, Baby, Go!, blogging (::smile::), mothering (of course), gearing up to become a La Leche League leader applicant, gardening, keeping a clean, eco-friendly house, greening my whole family's life, keeping up with laundry, reading a book for fun other than breastfeeding, and figuring out my future plans to become a lactation and birth educator and doula to eventually own my own business. Whew! But as long that I have breath in my lungs, I will keep on going.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Get down with the sickness

So, my husband gets back from this wonderful trip overseas and brings back all sorts of cool stuff, and also a nasty cold that he gives to me and the baby. Luckily, because of the wonderful powers of momma's milk, she has only a slight case, just sneezing here and there. I am testing out this homeopathic medicine I got called Children's Cold and Flu Relief by NatraBio, and so far so good! I tried a little myself, but I don't know how it affects my milk supply so I haven't taken anymore of it. But with lots of herbal tea and ginger, and lots of hot baths with essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, and tea tree, and a little bit of epson salt has helped a lot. Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Castile Soap is wonderful on a hot washcloth as you breathe in the fumes to clear up congestion.

And today, I tried my hand at making organic lasagna. Turned out pretty good. I used some whole grain lasagna noodles and tried the Bertoli Organic pasta sauce (pretty good), and it turned out well. Next time I will use fresh herbs from my herb garden to give it more flavor! All this while I couldn't even smell the fumes of this lovely dish because of terrible congestion!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Welcome to my blog! Here I will talk about everything, from breastfeeding, cloth-diapering to the way my chai tasted at the coffee shop, which translates to everything. I like to consider myself a down-to-earth person, so hopefully by following my blog we can connect!